Who We Are


Who We Are .

What We Stand For

Our mission is to provide opportunities for growth, learning and unity through:

  • Advocacy for the Oromo community in Australia.

  • Hosting cultural and religious programs to preserve and celebrate heritage.

  • Offering educational support, language classes and youth-focused initiatives.

  • Creating a welcoming environment for newly arrived refugees and humanitarian entrants.

  • Promoting better understanding and harmony between the Oromo community and others.

Our Vision for the Future

To fully serve our community, we aim to build a dedicated center that will include:

  • A Prayer Hall.

  • Community and Ceremony Halls.

  • Spaces for Sporting Activities.

  • Dedicated Classrooms and Lecture Rooms.

  • Activity Areas for Men and Women.

We invite you to support our efforts as we work towards making this vision a reality

OLGCA serves as a bridge between traditional Oromo values, Islamic teachings and the multicultural Australian society. We proudly offer diverse services to both the Oromo Muslim community and the wider Victorian community, free of any form of discrimination.

Audience in a conference hall, wearing colorful hijabs, attending an event.

Join Us


Join Us 🌳

Whether through participating in our programs, volunteering or contributing to our project, there’s a role for everyone.

Donate Generously

Allah SWT said: " The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah as the likeness of a grain (of corn), it grows seven ears and Each ears has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom he wills, and Allah is All-Sufficient for his creatures needs", All Knower“. 2-261 .


Whoever builds a mosque, with the intention of seeking Allah's pleas-ure, Allah will build for him a similar place in Paradise." (Al Bukhari, 1:441)